Picturesque 6.5 acres of rural living close to Burrum Heads and Hervey Bay. Fantastic presentation has this 6 month old steeled framed home with seperate massive shed (approx 18m x 15m x 4m high) containing extra living quarters. The home consists of two large bedrooms, large combined kitchen/dining/lounge, stainless appliances plus dishwasher, two way bathroom, WIR in the main bedroom, large laundry with built-ins, tiled floors throughout, air condt., ceiling fans, security screens and doors,huge outdoor full length patio, 3 car accom attached to the home, 50,000litres of tank water, all beautifully landscaped with lawns and gardens ect. Good sized dam, fenced house yard, landscaped entry driveway. This is one of the very best presented rural properties in the district.