Robinson Retravision is a second generation family business and has been running for 20 years in Childers. Childers is 3 1/2 hours North Of Brisbane on the Bruce Highway. 40 kilometres from the Coast and between 2 large centres Bundaberg and Maryborough. Being just north of the Sunshine coast and is experiencing Rapid growth and with talk of mines opening up nearby this business can only go forward in the future for generations to come.

The store just recently celebrated its 55th birthday. With an added advantage of being the only electric appliance store in Childers, this business boast a proud reputation in providing the local comunity and surrounding districts.

What Come with the sale?
Plant and Equipment, shop fit out, the Lease Hold Building and a Prime Position on the Highway Frontage.
All shop Stock is Added Cost Estimate approx $180,000 plus franchise fees.

Property Code: 405801