This Shop is located in the main street of Childers QLD one of the most beautiful street scaped towns along the highway #1 (Bruce Highway) with easy off street parking to make it easy for locals and tourists to visit you.
Exposure to clientele is high as the daily traffic count of average is approx 7500 vehicles per day that pass right past your door step.
My Owner wants to sell and give the next person an opportunity to take the business to the next level.
The shop is priced to sell on a wi/wo base (freehold) so there is no more rent to pay and leases to worry about.
This shop is on approx 149sqm and adjacent to the shop front is a council maintained covered alfresco area.
Available 7 days
Experience in Selling Residential Properties, Lifestyle Properties and Land Sales in the Childers, Apple Tree Creek and Buxton Region and I’m interested in helping you find the right home for your needs.