A terrific, spacious 21.82ha (53.92 acres) with a tremendous head start to the weekender or home.
Council do not like you building a shed without your house plans in. A fully approved 9m x 9m enclosed shed has been fully approved and constructed complete with 6m verandah.
The frame of a Wide Span two bedroom “Aussie Retreat” home has been erected. This has an enclosed living area of 7m x 12m with a full 2.4m verandah along the southern longer wall.
Neatly stacked in the shed is the roofing, external wall sheeting. The only materials required to complete to lockup are the doors and windows. All buildings are safely 15m above sea level.
Site plans have approval for a proposed dam and clearing. The boundaries are cleared and marked and there is ample clearing around the structures.
A small dam is on the front eastern boundary. The entire property has been zoned green which is remnant vegetation which is not of concern.
The rear of the property has a defined watercourse being Pearsons Creek with a stream order of 3. This area is also an Essential Habitat under the vegetation management act.
80% of the property has a regional ecosystem code of 12.3.12 being Eucalyptus latisinensis or E. exserta, Melaleuca viridiflora on alluvial plains. The remaining 20% has a code of 12.3.6 being Melaleuca quinquenervia, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Lophostemon suaveolens woodland on coastal alluvial plains.
Included in a non negotiated sale is a small vehicle to get around the property. There are pipes, drums, bricks and other materials which would prove invaluable to the overall project.
Mains power and telephone are available on the road reserve out front. Post is delivered five days a week.
The facilities of Baffle Creek are approximately 18kms away with general store, tavern, postal agency, rural supplies and bottle shop. This property is approximately 7km from the Pacific Ocean and is graced with refreshingly cool sea breezes.
Annual rates on the property are approximately $890 payable to the Gladstone Regional Council.
Mapping on our own website is accurate.
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