25.33ha (62.59 acres) forested as Nature intended. This holding is 22 acres larger than the majority of others in the District.

The boundaries are cleared on all sides, making it easier to site the boundary pegs, saving you the expense of a surveyor.

1km is the longest boundary being the western side. A large percentage of the eastern boundary, 2m short of the km, has been fenced in 4 strand barbed wire. The property has a road width 257m at the front and 250m at the rear.

The front of the property is 30m above sea level. There is a large plateau which is 25m above sea level. A section of this has previously been cleared and has small re-growth vegetation on it yet is zoned white.

Gradually, the property then slopes to the rear which is 10m above sea level with a “defined drainage depression” flowing eastward into Pearson Creek making for an ideal dam site. The area around this “defined drainage depression” is an essential habitat for the koala and the Wallum Froglet.

Aside from the earlier mentioned white zone, the entire property has been zoned green which is remnant vegetation not of concern.
Regional Ecosystems in this area are 12.5.4 which is Eucalyptus spp.-Corymbia spp.-Melaleuca spp. shrubby or grassy open-forest to woodland. Characteristic species include Angophora leiocarpa, Eucalyptus latisinensis, E. siderophloia, E. exserta, Corymbia intermedia, C. trachyphloia, Lophostemon suaveolens, Melaleuca viridiflora, M. quinquenervia, M. nodosa and Grevillea banksii. Patches of Allocasuarina luehmannii or Banksia robur present locally and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii common in ground layer. Occurs on complex of remnant Tertiary surfaces and Tertiary sedimentary rocks.
At the front western boundary corner is a power pole with a transformer so the expense to connect electricity will be minimal. Phone line on the road reserve with ADSL broadband available. Post is delivered five days a week.

Sea breezes and the melody of the Pacific Ocean grace the property as it is less than 6km away as the kookaburra flies.

The facilities of Baffle Creek are 18kms away with general store, tavern, postal agency, rural supplies and bottle shop. There is also a boat ramp here which is a well kept secret with the local only 7km away.

Annual rates on the property are approximately $890 payable to the Gladstone Regional Council.

Mapping on our own website is accurate.

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