16ha (39.54 acres) with 1700 macadamia trees with a one bedroom dwelling. Awesome mountain views are on three sides.
The macadamia trees at the front are a mixed variety … mainly “Daddoo’s”. At the back the trees are 741 and 246. They are between 5 and 7 years old. Most are about to bare nuts.
All the trees have been cared for by hand with only organic input. Large stands of remnant hardwood have been retained in the plantation.
The front 60% of the property has been selectively cleared and is now zoned white. The rear 40% remains remnant vegetation zoned green.
Regional ecosystems have been defined entirely as 12.5.4 which is Eucalyptus spp.-Corymbia spp.-Melaleuca spp. shrubby or grassy open-forest to woodland. Characteristic species include Angophora leiocarpa, Eucalyptus latisinensis, E. siderophloia, E. exserta, Corymbia intermedia, C. trachyphloia, Lophostemon suaveolens, Melaleuca viridiflora, M. quinquenervia, M. nodosa and Grevillea banksii. Patches of Allocasuarina luehmannii or Banksia robur present locally and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii common in ground layer. Occurs on complex of remnant Tertiary surfaces and Tertiary sedimentary rocks being not of concern.
The eastern boundary, at 39m above sea level, has been fenced in 4 strand barbed wire. A 25m ridge runs down the center of the property.
The dwelling is 6m x 15m under roof and incorporates a double carport and verandah.Power has been run underground. Phone line is installed.
Rainwater is stored in 2 x 5,000 gallon steel tanks, a 1,000 gallon steel, a 1,500 polly tank and a 3,000 gallon tanker.
A 4 mega litre dam has recently been constructed at the south western corner of the plantation.
The facilities of Baffle Creek are 21kms away with general store, tavern, postal agency, rural supplies and bottle shop. Agnes is 31 km via the National Park or 24km via a formed track. This property is 7.5km from the Pacific Ocean.
Annual rates on the property are approximately $890 payable to the Gladstone Regional Council. Mapping on our own website is accurate.
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