Create your own piece of natural paradise on this very appealing 19.43 ha (48 acres) secluded block of land, located near the junction of Pacific and Capricornia Drives.

Follow a strategically positioned driveway which meanders through tall, wooded vegetation and majestic clumps of grasstrees to gain easy access to the centre of the property. A cleared campsite awaits, nestled amongst the natural vegetation, peace and tranquility.
Elevation of the land gradually increases from 30m at the front of the property to 50m near the rear, where it then climbs distinctly to over 80m in the S-W corner. A couple of seasonal creeks have their source on this land. One, in particular, could form an excellent catchment area for a dam.

This property has 205m of road frontage and is 787m deep on one side. The other is 789.7m. The width of the rear boundary is 299.8m.
The majority of the vegetation has been zoned dark pink (remnant endangered ecosystem) with a sizeable area in the front half being green (remnant not of concern ecosystem). Eucalyptus portuensis or E. acmenoides, Corymbia trachyphloia open-forest and woodland E. crebra, C. intermedia, E. exserta and Angophora leiocarpa. Lophostemon confertus (whip stick form) are often present in under storey vegetation and in gullies. They occur on hillsides on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks. The Vegetation Management Act status is “not of concern” and the Biodiversity status is “no concern at present”

Your “Paradise Found” is conveniently located halfway between the commercial facilities of Baffle Creek and the myriad of popular recreational amenities of Deepwater National Park and its neighbouring beaches and waterways.

Post is delivered 5 days a week and the school bus passes the front gate.

Annual rates on the property are approximately $750 payable to the Miriam Vale Shire Council.

Co-ordinates: 24 deg, 24 min, 59.99 sec S: 151 deg 53 min, 41.92 sec E