File 566
* This 306 acre grey soil cane farm has 180 acres of well drained Cultivation .
* Balance is timbered slopes and creek
* Farm has 216 meg allocation , 80 meg dam
* Flood lift licence from Sandy Creek
* Pumps !x 60 hp and 1x 90 hp on dam
* 2 outlets ,pvc underground mains
* 3 Travelling irrigators
* Extensive list of machinery included in sale
* 1 x 90 hp Fendt , 1 x 80 hp Fendt ,Case 49 hp , bag lifter , Fertilizer box , Rotary hoe , Off sets , Slasher , Spray unit
* Inter row tractor , Ratoon rippers , 4 row Janke planter, 3row reversible plough , Gough planter and trailers .
* 10 bay shed ( 4 bay lock up )
* Presently growing cane ,But would suit Macadamia production,
* Well maintained farm with ample water .
* Your inspection is invited and recommended
* Real Estate Now for all your Real Estate needs