Nearly 280Ha on 2 titles with 249Meg IWS and 225Meg on farm water storage.
124Ha cultivation, 60Ha of flood irrigation and the rest is winched.
The property will cut approx 10,000 tonne of cane this year.
There is a brick 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with an abundance of living area including a formal lounge and dining room.
There is also a good set of yards, good fencing, some improved pasture, stock dams and a permanent creek also runs through the property.
The property is to be sold W.I.W.O. excluding the crop and cattle, but also including a 31% share of a co-op harvesting group.
Can it get any better?
Available 7 days
Paul Taylor 0428 101 449 or 4151 3233
Vast experience selling- Rural Properties, Lifestyle Properties, Small Crop farms, Tree Crop farms, Aquaculture properties and extensive personal Agronomy knowledge.