Have you ever wondered how you can retire with a place ready for you that you have had the pleasure of someone else helping you with the payments?

Call now and speak with Andy Dunlop 0411 582-747 to make arrangements to your retirement plan.

These well constructed three bedrooms, two bathroom town houses can be your way to a successful retirement property. Built in a complex adjoining a golf course, shopping centre and within easy distance of the ocean. A perfect position if you wish to walk to the required places

These units come with a guaranteed return for the first twelve months of $1.00 per week for every $1000.00 of property value. For example if you purchase one for $250,000.00 you are guaranteed $250 per week.

Act now and we will do the rest for you. We have Brisbane Lawyers to handle your conveyancing and Finance Brokers to manage your loan requirements. Transport to the property for an inspection.