In these tough economic times, you too, can have this proven performer provide you with a secure cash flow just like the current owners. This profitable convenience store is located in a growing area near Ring Road and Belle Eden Estate with a large captive customer base. Huge potential for growth in turn over in this expanding residential developing area. Owner enjoys flexible hours with capable staff in place. The excellent quality fit out is beautifully presented and anyone with an interest in the food industry will instantly recognise why this business stands apart from its local competition.> strong cash flow and high gross turnover> prime location in high traffic area> ample car spaces> supporting businesses like Bottle Shop close by
The shop has to offer: fuels & oils; magazines; phone/internet credit; convenience & daily products; take away; ATM.
The vendor is also willing to grant a long lease to suit the buyer. For those looking for a state of the art business setup this smooth running business is for you. All plant and equipment are in perfect condition.
Prime location and a high return make this an opportunity for more than a comfortable lifestyle.
Make the Smart business decision NOW!