This 55.89 ha (138.1 acre) property has a 1.417 km walk from the gate to the 93.7 m frontage to Baffle Creek.

A meandering 30m ridge the length of the property forms gullies from which the fall forms several seasonal creeks.

The majority of the western portion is zoned light pink (sub-dominant endangered regional eco system) while a strip along the eastern boundary is zoned light pink (dominant remnant endangered regional eco system).

Vegetation on the property is classified as:
Eucalyptus tereticornis, E. crebra or E. siderophloia, Lophostemon suaveolens open forest on granite.

Eucalyptus tereticornis woodland to open forest on alluvial plains
There are impressive stands of mature blue gum. Much of the areas around the creek have delightful native Cabbage Palms.

A neighboring property currently has cattle on adjustment there.
The property is 4.5km from the local primary school. It is a further 1 km into the township of Lowmead which has an excellent country hotel with attached post office.

It is a 20 minute drive to Baffle Creek and 30 minutes to the coastal township of Agnes Water.

Annual rates on the property are approximately $1,350 approximately payable to the Miriam Vale Shire Council.

Co-ordinates: 22 deg, 55 min, 46.15 sec S: 156 deg 05 min, 48.42 sec E