At the rear of this 83.77 ha (207 acre) property is Bald Rock.

Bald Rock is actually a mountain with distant views to the coast and ocean.

The mountain is known for having the only caves in the local vicinity.

This property is of triangular shape and is over 2 km long.

There is one dam and an excellent potential site for another.

The property is almost fully fenced.

Improved pasture has thrived on the red and black soils.

Much remnant vegetation has been preserved with good stands of timer for the future.

The majority of the vegetation is green (remnant not of concern) 95% of this being open-forest to woodland of Corymbia citriodora, usually with Eucalyptus crebra. Other species such as Eucalyptus exserta, E. moluccana present in scattered patches or in low densities. Understorey generally grassy. Occurs on hills and ranges on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks while the other 5% is Eucalyptus tereticornis, Melaleuca viminalis, Casuarina cunninghamiana fringing forest.

There are smaller sections of pink (endangered remnant vegetation) both dominant and sub-dominant. Another small area of white (non remnant vegetation) is nearer the entrance.
Bundaberg city is 65km to the south on sealed roads. Nearest convenience store is 15km and a delightful country pub is only 8km to the north also on a sealed road.
Co-ordinates 24 deg 36 min 13 sec S 151 deg 47 min 46.52 E