This grand old home has character of its own with imposing street appeal with 3 street frontage fenced for privacy with single lock up garage, carport, separate work shed on 1341m2 allotment walk to CBD.

Features include:

Lowset weatherboard Queenslander with 2 bay windows, hardwood floors, 3 built in bedrooms plus 1 built-in sleep out, large air-conditioned lounge with bay window, rumpus or sun room including office/study with polished wooden floors.

Large built-in kitchen with new freestanding stainless steel gas, electric stove with tiled splashbacks and stainless steel dishwasher with open plan dining.

Large laundry with separate toilet and shower adjacent to lined and tiled BBQ area. Two-way bathroom, separate toilet, main bedroom has bay window.

Inspection by appointment only by contacting Bill Ross direct line 07 41 237 006 or mobile 0428 296 175.