This property won’t let you down. The size of this property is 172.1 hectares or 425.2 acres and boasts a better than 95% white on the vegetation map and is as clean as a whistle. The CCP for this property is a consistent 90 head of mixed cattle but this can be easily improved by improving more pasture. With the seasons that we have had in the past few years this property would run up to 190 head with ease. Power is located within 1 kilometre from the property whilst the phone line can be found on the property. Out buildings on the property consist of a feed shed/ machinery shed. There is also an old but workable set of timber stock yards. The property is divided into 5 paddocks all with good water to ensure your stock don’t go without. This property can be driven around in a normal 2wd car to view it is a very nice block. There is also a healthy supply of future harvest timber or just leave them growing as it is better than money in the bank. To view this property call Raine and Horne Rural.