file2897 This 300 acre property is set in the dress circle area adjacent to the Burnett River on the Bruce Highway near Wallaville.
Property has comfotable 4 bed brick home,air con ,ceiling fans 13000 gal rainwater,set in established gardens,
3 dams,6 paddocks 100 meg storage,with200 meg allocation fron Burnett River,underground mains,t/out.Every acre income producing.
!00 acres orchard and hay ,200 acres stock grazing.carry 100 breeders
Orchard comprises 2000 madarin,700 lemon,1000 mango, 335 lime trees
and 4650 passionfruit vines.
Soils::25ha grey,33ha brown,25ha red.
Sheds : 170m2 packing shed (concrete floor)2 machinery sheds 140 m2 and 80m2.Solid stockyards with vet crush.
Property is flood free .
Approx 18 ks Gin Gin,`& 30 ks to Childers.schools.
within an hours drive of saleyards at Gin Gin ,Biggenden, Bundaberg
This property is well worth an inspection