The Seller had the ‘pick of the crop’ when the 5 Star Resort was 1st launched… he chose the premium location and position within.

Only an easy doggy paddle or swagger to the comforts and refreshing delights of the resorts pool bar… This stunning apartment enjoys the best outlook of them all boasting unrivaled views down the entire length of the massive swimming pool – helping put you straight into the relaxed, holiday state of mind that screams Port Douglas.

Our Seller has never rented this exquisite northern apartment – having simply used it for his Port Douglas retreat and residence since constructed in 2007. This lifestyle pad is well tested and passes all the tests; Location – Yes, Climate – Yes, Position – Yes, Sexy – Yes, Top quality – Yes, Excellent condition – Yes, Party proof – Yes, Furnished – Yes, Direct Swim-out – Yes…

You are buying a direct swim-out apartment that enjoys 154 sq metres of space incorporating three sizeable bedrooms and two stylish bathrooms. The configuration is such that the property can be rented out easily with plenty of options – either as one large property or as a studio and/or self contained two bedroom retreat. You may also wish to lock and leave or to reside in the apartment – the choice is all yours.

The property is only being sold as the Seller has relocated to the States and is not likely to be coming back anytime soon. The specifications have been tricked up and this apartment stands above the rest in quality, inclusions and price opportunity. Contact us immediately to inspect anytime that suits you… The Bar is open

Property Code: 258