Yarraden and Ebagoola (Gold Mining Town) are 119874.000ha.

In close proximity to the Peninsular Development Road, you can travel to Cairns or Mareeba for most of the year and the Transport companies can deliver gear adn food right to your front door.

The town of Coen is only 47klms north, where there is a Grocery Store, Medical Centre, Post Office, Police Station and Hotel.

The area comes under the banner of the Flying Doctor Service, (Medical Kit Supplied) for any medical emergencies.

There are pigs, wild brumbies and ferral bulls fro the hunting enthusiast, and the Gold Mining town of Ebagoola for people to try their hand at Gold detecting.

Vendors already have government funding to fully fence the boundary of Yarraden.
The property comes with machinery and assets which can be obtained from our office.