This mango farm will pass any inspection with flying colours. The property is immaculate, the sheds are numerous, the 18 bed backpacker accommodation is self-contained. All the buildings are built with quality in mind and no expense spared.
The 60 pallet cold rooms cater for the 3000 trays packed per day. The 37.84ha is all flat and useable and backs onto the Walsh River. Approximately 10-12 acres is unplanted. Water is plentiful with 121mgl gravity fed irrigation from the channel and a soakage dam that holds approx. 25mgl and overflows constantly.

4 tree varieties including 2700KP, 1800 Brooke, 280 Kent, Keit 2000, and R2E2 1260 making a total of 8040 trees 5 to 25 years old. Picking time spreads from November til February. Machinery includes 5 tractors and everything else you can think of needed for a neat and tidy operation. All are housed in sheds out of the weather. The residence is a modern and spacious 3 bedroom m/brick home.

The farm being sold as Walk in Walk out except for personal items, 2 boats and a 4×4 ute. To arrange an inspection, contact Kevin Ramke on 0438 315 312.