Area & Tenure:
5590 HA (approx. 14,000 ac) GHPL. Lot 191 on Crown Plan HG656. County of Hodgkinson – Parish Leadingham – Tablelands
8 km from Dimbulah, 45 km from Mareeba, 100 km west of Cairns. There is bitumen road access to house and yards.
Phone coverage, Dimbulah school bus, rural 240v power and TV reception, Hospital, Public and Catholic Schools, Police, Fire, Ambulance, Sale yards are located at Mareeba, Malanda and Innisfail. Abattoirs are located at Townsville. Live Export Cattle depots are located at Mourilyan and Townsville.
Annual average rainfall of 780 mm
Cranbe has 7 permanent dams. An Electric 1 hp Pump on the Walsh River pumps to a concrete tank at the house and tanks at the Cattle yards and holding paddock. In addition Cranbe has Walsh River frontage. The Sawpit & Pinnacle Creeks dissect the property. Leadingham Creek flows on one side of Cranbe.
There is an Irrigation water license of 115 megalitres. There is a working Centre Pivot that covers 21 ha (53 ac) which is sown down to Tolga Rhodes Grass and is baled for hay approximately 4 – 5 times a year with around 1200 x 4ft round bales per cut. The water is pumped by an electric pump through underground mains, the Centre Pivot is driven by a Lister Diesel Generator. Sufficient cleared land is available to extend the pivot to cover a 49 hectares (120ac) circle. 243 hectares (600ac) adjacent to irrigation is cleared, cutter barred and stick raked suitable for dry land farming.
There are 3 areas of Cranbe that have previously been cutter bared & cultivated totaling 231 ha (573 ac) this includes the 21 ha centre pivot. They are white on the PAV Map which is available. Individual areas are 21 ha (53 ac), 68 ha (170 ac) and 141 ha (350 ac). The property is suitable for cropping Bananas, Sugarcane, Sorghum and tropical pastures.
Cranbe is mostly undulating forest grazing with approximately 50% Box/Bloodwood, 25% Ironbark and 25% Tea Tree country. Pastures consist of Black Spear, Feathertop, Urachloa, Kangaroo and Indian Couch grasses, with Wynn cassia, Seca, Verano and Cook Stylos. Stylos dominate large areas of Cranbe.
Cranbe has a very comfortable 3 bedroom homestead, a separate 1 bedroom workers quarters with ablutions block is located alongside the 4 bay garage and workshop with a concrete floor. There is a 8m x 18m hay shed, it holds approximately 600 x 4 ft round bales. There is also a meat house / butcher shop.
Yards and Fencing:
The Cattle Yards are of Steel and Wooden construction with a Crush and Calf Cradle. They are in good working condition and handle 600 head comfortably. The majority of fencing is 3 barbs with some 4 barb. It is subdivided into 4 main paddocks and 1 holding paddock. Fencing is fair to good condition.
Carrying Capacity:
The owner estimates the property will run 750 Breeders and progeny.
There is a list of inclusions including – Ford TW5 Tractor (4 in 1 Bucket, Slasher), 1986 Toyota Diesel, tray back with winch, Crush, Scales and weigh bars
Motorbikes – Honda TRX 680- 4 Wheel, Yamaha TTR 125 & TTR 90 – 2 wheel
Agents Remarks:
Cranbe represents an outstanding opportunity to purchase a productive, working cattle station with lifestyle, being, only 1 hours from Cairns. Cranbe lends itself to value adding the cattle enterprise through the use of the irrigation and farming area, or to use the farming area in its own right. Rarely do properties of this size and scale become available in such a tightly held area.