Continue the dream with an income + lifestyle!

Here is a farm that offers diversity, with four different varieties of mangoes in production. The harvest season starts in November and continues through to February, so the benefits of having fruit on the market for four months can also be enjoyed.

This property also has the added bonus of a supplementary income from cutting hay and possibly bailing for other growers who do not have their own machinery. There is a 5 span pivot covering 33 acres of rhodes grass which the current owner presently bales for feed and mulch.

The farm has a 100mg water allocation.

The four bedroom house is masonry block with a rendered internal finish. The house is large and makes for very comfortable family living. There is also a second three bedroom dwelling on the farm.

A large shed and a huge list of farm machinery required to carry out day to day operations of the farm also complement this property.

For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Joe Torrisi @ Mareeba Property Office.