AREA: 16360 Acres (6621 HA), 5 km from Forsayth, Primary School, Hospital, Post office General Store, Hotel, Police and Railway station. 440km Townsville, 450km Cairns, 430km Karumba.

IMPROVEMENTS: 1x self contained caretakers dwelling. 1 x fully enclosed steel shed 9mtrs by 6mtrs, screened with windows and doors, kitchen, 5m veranda front and back with bathroom and toilet built in to one of them. Programmable watering systems for the gardens, concrete laid for a 4 room extension. Large machinery / hay shed – 37m x 15m x 5.2m. Old timber 3 bedroom house. 1 x 5000gal molasses storage tank. 1 x 30,000 gallon water tank and timber cattle yards. Absolutely massive man-made lake designed to drought proof the property. Ideal for a tank and trough system as well as social occasions like water skiing. Home to a lot of Barramundi and birdlife, this lake is certainly a big asset for the property.

COUNTRY: Hilly decomposed granite country highly improved with Seca, and, to a lesser extent verrano and buffel. Fenced into four main paddocks, the property allows itself to be rotational grazed so the environmental impact is kept to a minimum, whilst the carrying capacity is high.

CARRYING CAPACITY: 800 Adult equivalent.

STOCK / EQUIPMENT THAT MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE SALE: 50 Head of Braham x cattle, Hough 60C front end loader, D7 17A Bulldozer [needs repairs], 5 Round cattle troughs, Various size poly pipe, 5 way cattle draft.

COMMENTS: The property is ideal for an absentee owner who can setup a manager in the complex and run a large number of cattle just out of town. This is a well cared for property, especially the grazing capacity, so don’t miss this opportunity to enter the rural industry and have a go. Other possible added values: Tourism: Small scale, Gold Fossicking, Bird Watching. Potential to expand into water sports and property tours.

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