Phone enquiry code for this property: 1005
For sale by owner. 154 acres (62.3 hectares) of land with a weekender. Approximately 50 acres Brachiaria pasture grass and with the remaining land remnant original rainforest recognised as of high significance but with no covenants. The pastured area is fenced. There is some forest regrowth at the pasture/rainforest interface. The property has a septic system, mains electricity, telephone line And excellent mobile And TV reception. The open plan cabin has gas hot water, gas stove with cooktop And a wood stove/ heater as a centrepiece. A 15,000 litre tank stores rainwater. Situated in the lush Upper Barron area only 10 kilometres from Malanda And 20 kilometres from Atherton, this beautiful property would suit someone who enjoys the company of eagles, platypus, cassowary And tree kangaroos while able to graze cattle. The property contains a dam, 3 permanent creeks And 1 seasonal creek.
The fabulous views are a bonus
Phone enquiry code for this property: 1005