Prepare for AUCTION!
You are invitied to attend the auction of this Timber home on Saturday the 1st of May, 2010 at 1PM
Well maintained, and conveniently located close to town, on a fully fenced 792m2 block.
* 3 Bedrooms, with Air/con!
* Spacious kitchen, in good order
* Polished timber floors in Bedrooms
* Vinyl throughout the rest of the house
* Spacious front verandah
* Large downstairs area, complete with a storeroom
* Downstairs laundry
Inspections can be arranged anytime before the auction by phoning
Debbie 0409 321 920, or 40 922 111.
Open for inspection Saturday 24th April at 12 NOON- 1pm
OR 12 noon on the day of Auction.