Why pay rent when you could be paying off your own home for around the same money as you pay in rent. This 3 bedroom home which is realistically priced to sell at $230,000 could be your answer! Other great features are separate laundry, security screens and good size patio to enjoy a cuppa in the morning just to list a few. There is also a 2 bay solid masonry block completely lockable shed with power and 2 vehicle access. A greenhouse, which is set up with all the irrigation equipment, to grow flowers, herbs or anything at all is just waiting for you. Situated within walking distance to town, parkland and sporting centres on a fully fenced 830M2 allotment makes this excellent buying.What a great opportunity for a first home starter or even an ideal retire’s retreat. Maybe you are looking for an investment property, whatever your dream is an inspection on this home is certainly recommended.
Genuine reasons for the sale of this home so call John Goncalves today to arrange an inspection on 0407 690 961.