The reluctant Sellers are moving on due to advancing age. This really is a special buy.
For over 25 Years the property has been Solar Powered and has never been a day without power. This powers the house, a large Fridge, a separate freezer, microwave, TV, several computers plus NBN satellite service and telephone land line. The main house is made of stone, timber and steel.
House and Buildings:
The main house is made of stone, timber and steel. Downstairs is the kitchen and living room with lovely free standing fireplace; all open plan and about 75m2. The upstairs is a bedroom and craft studio with balcony. The upstairs area is about 30m2.
Adjacent to the main house is a steel building of about 46 m2 that contains laundry with washing machine, laundry trays and a shower. This space also contains a separate gas stove and oven and lots of storage racks for tools and supplies.
Near the laundry is a modern flush toilet with wash basin in a separate small building. 30 metres further is the master bedroom in a separate steel building on steel stumps about 2 metres above the ground with verandas on two sides and wonderful views. The total size of the master bedroom is about 50m2.
There is two car shed/carport with one half used as a workspace.
Total living areas are about 200m2
Area: Dry Sclerophyll forest with granite soils. No pesticides used in the last 27 years. Beyond laundry is a small abandoned garden with good soil.
Water: The water supplies are from Toy Creek, adjacent to the property and the Walsh River. The property is not adjacent to the Walsh River but has a legal easement to the river. Domestic water is stored in three interconnected tanks and is gravity fed to the house. Total domestic water storage is
about 150,000 litres. Rain water is used for drinking and cooking and is collected from the roof of the master bedroom into three interconnected tanks and also gravity fed to taps in the kitchen and laundry area. Total rainwater storage is about 11,000 litres.
Flora and Fauna The tree cover is mainly IronBarks, Bloodwoods and Lemon Scented Gums and river gums along Toy Creek. We have native fig trees (and their companion trees) as well as a variety of grevilleas. Large numbers of Grass trees grow here; some are very large. Toward the back of the property is a nice stand of messmates Local native animals include wallabys, kangaroos,
potaroos and northern Quolls. Reptiles include lace monitors, frill necked dragons, skinks and geckoes and pythons plus occasional night tiger. Birds include greater bowerbirds, rainbow lorikeets, rosellas, cockatoos, pardalotes, peaceful doves, squatter pigeons, kookaburras, currawongs, frogmouths, boobook owls plus occasional bee-eaters and forest kingfishers.
Inspections strictly by Appointment.