Situated on the naturally air-conditioned Atherton Tablelands, just outside of Yungaburra, rests this 46 acre windlife sanctuary. A spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with a large studio/office awaits avid nature lovers and provides an exceptionally peaceful and private above. Situated within an attractive clearing there is plenty of room to move around the house yard. The property provides over 200 bird species and dozens of mammals and reptiles. In the evenings, red-legged pademelons (rainforest wallabies) romp on the lawn. Other resident mammals and frequent visitors include agile wallabies, rufous bettongs, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots, common brushtail, coppertail and striped possums, white tailed bush-rats, echidnas, melomys, antechinuses, native mice and the occasional transitory dingo. Ulysses and Cairns Birdwing butterflies abound due to the food trees planted on the property. Effort has been made over the past several years to re-establish the wildlife with an absence of domestic pets. Numerous native bird food trees, bushes and orchids have been planted. This unique property hosts a variety of ecosystems including old growth rainforest. There are several seasonal creeks and a large year-round platypus-filled (Maroobi) creek. Contact Gillies Real Estate, 07 4095 3335, Sarah 0438 605 147. *A sustainability declaration for this property is available from our office.*