Make money while you sleep; fish and crab for 300 days of the year and work ONLY 65! This beautiful 4.5ht homestead is just minutes away from numerous, beautiful North Queensland beaches, and the township of Sarina. Built with income ideas in mind, this property has not yet reached it’s full potential. The ranch style home is 3 years young and was built to last, with hardwood trusses and filled besser block frame. Wrap around verandahs take full advantage of the magical views. Three large bedrooms are built-in and the New Guinea rosewood kitchen is a dream in itself. This home comes fully furnished with an office set-up in place for the running of the family business "Saronvilla". Saronvilla is an established mango farm on the way up! With 1,259 fruit trees, mostly favourites, Blackrow Bowen, R2E2, and bundy Special. Fruit is picked at harvest time and graded and packed for market. The business also has it’s own processing room for packaging fresh produce and freezing, for sale on the local market.
A huge shed 18 x 14 x 4.3 meters with 3-phase power, shower and toilet, services the business. A tractor, ride on mower, spray unit, grading machine, and everything needed to run this business is included in this walk-in, walk-out sale.