Looking for a good business with a healthy profit in a regional town? Then this could be what you are after. Situated in Mackay,Queensland. A great place to live and run a business from. Both private and state schools, Training colleges, a university and a conservatory of music give children the best of opportunities right here in town.

Essentially the Mining, Tourism, and Sugar Industries make it economically sound and still has enormous growth potential.

The current owners are about to retire and with reluctance have decided to sell their business.

The Owners
Ten years ago the current owners a local Maltese family purchased this small corner fruit and vegetable shop in Mackay.

Taking it from this very humble and small beginnings to the largest and most successful wholesale and retail fruit business in Mackay has been a lot of hard work.

The business has been a family business with some casual staff employed as well. The plant and equipment is extensive, as is the cold storage to cope with the volume.

The New Owners
You can expect turnover of $4 million per annum. Accountant figures will be made available to serious purchasers only. The Plant and equipment is extensive, as is the cold storage to cope with the volume also included 3 vans for delivery of wholesale fruit and vegies.

A retail outlet attached to the dispatch sheds carries fruit and vegies and some deli lines and drinks.

The business has a lease of 3 years in place with options for further and consists of sheds with easy access for semi’s. Situated in the Mackay CBD area there is currently no real opposition nearby for either the wholesale or the retail.

Don’t delay – Call today.