SITUATION: On the upper reached of the Mirani weir on the Pioneer River with 2.5kms of accessible, full water, river frontage. 50kms. All bitumen road past the boundary to the thriving Central Queensland costal city of Mackay, with all amenities.
RAINFALL: 162.5mm (65inches) per annum annual average.
FACILITIES: School bus at the boundary 12 kms to Mirani State Primary and High School. Within mobile telephone range. Garbage collection. Mail service. Internet connection. Saleyards at Sarina – 80kms and Nebo – 80kms. Meatworks at Bakers Creek.- 60kms.
AREA and TENURE: 262.2ha (647.9 acres) freehold. Lot 69 SP200331:Par Abingdon: Country Carlisle. Mackay Regional Council. Rates- $1708 per annum.
COUNTRY: A unique balance of country featuring excellent, deep alluvial river flats to higher timbered, low level, raised country giving shelter during very wet periods. The 300 acres of river flats are under both centre pivot and winch irrigation using river, Kinchant dam and bore water. At present there are 80 acres under oats and the balance is under an excellent stand of Callide Rhoades grass electrically fenced and rotationally grazed. The deep alluvial flats are most suitable for growing Lucerne or other deep rooted grasses or legumes. The river is one boundary with a large margin of guinea and para grasses and the timbered rises are seeded with signal grass and megamix stylos.
WATER: Apart from natural precipitation there are three sources of stock and irrigation water. 43mgl from Kinchant dam, a 98 mgl 20 metres deep bore (16,000gph). 370mgl pumped direct from Pioneer River (PVWB) plus 370mgl Stream flow pumped from Pioneer River and stock water direct from Pioneer River. Two electric pumps on an A and B licence supply water to both irrigation systems. The 4year old centre pivot covers 100 acres. All underground mains are 6 inches class 9 PVC. There is a diesel motor and pump on the Kinchant pipeline and water is integrated throughout the property. Stock water is centrally supplied to two rotations; the third rotation is supplied direct from the river. Rain water tanks at all buildings.
FENCING: Fenced with mainly rosewood posts and four barbs plus mains power electric fencing to handle intense rotations grazing program with new centrally positioned steel and concrete yards. The stock-yard handling equipment is hydraulically controlled with scales and automatic three way draft from the scales and the working area is roofed. All fencing and stock management improvements have been installed in the last three years using techniques suitable for minimal manpower operation. The yards are situated with all weather accessibility to take advantage of advantageous markets during wet periods.
STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS: One large 3 bedroom homestead well kept, in fenced area of lawns and gardens. One care-takers cottage. One 80ft x 40ft steel, 4 bay shed with one bay concrete workshop. Power and lights connected. Large concrete water tank at the shed.
CARRYING CAPACITY: Using the irrigated pasture with rotation grazing the turnoff is 1,300 prime trade cattle per annum.
HEALTH STATUS: MLA accredited. DPI rated Clear, no test.
REMARKS: Abingdon is a unique intense, irrigated grazing property having full access to the upper reaches of the Mirani weir on the Pioneer River. The deep alluvial soils allow nutrition for heavy rotations grazing giving a guaranteed annual prime trade turnoff under all seasonal conditions. Centrally situated at the Mia Mia in the beautiful Pioneer Valley near the Central Queensland costal city of Mackay it offers an enviable lifestyle with impressive income.
This property also has the option of producing good quality Rhodes Grass hay as a business.
The ideal access to the Pioneer River also provides the option of sand mining as the current owner have been approached by a local company to access the sand through this property