Internet Cafe Aitkenvale Townsville
Exciting Internet Cafe business being regretfully offered for sale less than one year after opening due to change in personal circumstances.
Exciting Developments have taken lace this week, with this Internet Cafe now connected to the National Broadband Network (NBN) in Aitkenvale.
Primarily an internet cafe with a growing customer base, plenty of room for expansion and the owner prepared to provide one week’s training to the successful buyer. No qualifications are required however a good knowledge in computer operations and network usage is recommended
The facility offers 12 x 24 Computer Monitors, 9 x Gaming Computers and 3 Internet computers, with both steam games and pc games in stock. The business also carries spare cartridges and computer components.
The premises of 55m2, is fully protected by infra-red Cameras and 24 hour recording Security System and the latest AVG Anti- virus / Firewall software.
The Internet cafe’ also sells soft drinks/ energy drinks, chips and chocolates and light refreshments.
The business offers computer printing services, lamination and file recovery services, and these could be expanded by a new operator.
Price on Application
Please contact Bob Brewster FCPA for a confidential discussion