The enquiry code for this property is 1483
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Extra large Kitchen, dining and family areas, extra high ceilings in this area. Large lounge/theater, main bedroom has large ensuite.All rooms are air conditioned with ceiling fans
All windows and doors have cyclone rated,steel wind down shutters. 12 Solar panels on roof, 3.1 inverter. Power box is set up to allow a generator to be plugged into house, legally. 19sq patio opens off the family area.INSPECTION WELCOME ANYTIME. 7 citrus trees in fruit, bananas fruiting, avocado tree.
3 natives trees which give privacy to patio and main bedroom… All bedrooms have built-in mirror door wardrobes. Very quiet area.

Front has a lush tropical garden.
Extras 5 laying hens with enclosed yard and hen house.

3m X 3m garden shed, internal poured concrete to keep shed vermin proof, shed also has 3 tie down bolts to protect in cyclone times
Genuine price reduction. INSPECTION WELCOME ANY-TIME