Currently operating as a specialised fine timber furniture manufacturing business this centrally located strata Warehouse is offered for sale with or without the current business attached. Located in the suburb of Currajong, Townsville the site boasts easy access to nearby major arterial’s and is demographically in the heart of Townsville. The unit offers exclusive parking for 4 vehicles, ample three phase power, amenities including shower facilities an air-conditioned office and NBN capabilities. Vendors have expressed flexibility with the sale of this unit offering extended settlements and / or short term lease back or with the fully equipped business plus equipment sales scenarios.
Property features include:

:: 279 square metres (approx) of warehousing with roller shutter access and good ventilation

:: 20 square metres (approx) of air-conditioned office and mezzanine storage area

:: Ample 3 phase power + National Broadband connectivity

:: Concrete block construction

:: On-site parking and pylon signage available

For further information or to arrange an inspection contact ELDERS COMMERCIAL – Girish Menon on 0414 985 243 –