- Predominant accommodation precinct
- Two level motel with 30 rooms
- Plus 2 bedroom managers residence, front reception, restaurant /bar, complex pool and onsite parking
- Currently under formal lease agreement which commenced 31/10/2003 with 10 + 3 x 5 year lease term
- Current rent is $170,000 per annum net. Subject to CPI annual review plus FMR at year 6 of the lease (31.10.2008) and at the commencement of each option period
- Semi modern complex in a good state of repair
- Good vehicle access, dual street access available
- Arterial road frontage
- Surplus land at the rear of the complex

The above information has been supplied to us by us by the Owner. All interested parties should make and rely upon their own inquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.