Land developers and real estate agents advertise that blocks are, "flat, easy building blocks." With even more enthusiasm they then declare a site close to shops and public transport. They’re acknowledging that sloping sites can have limited housing options.
However, there are some greater points to sloping blocks as well!
Sloping blocks have a better view than level blocks, giving them a higher value.
And because sloping blocks work so well with elevated homes, using timber floors means that the cool breezes will flow through the house and keep the home cool – a great example of environmentally friendly passive cooling. They lend themselves to creative thinking and the finished home is usually abundant with charm and character. You are also able to put the garage underneath the house at a lower cost.
Sloping blocks also have significantly better drainage than level blocks.

Rather than disturb the natural topography of the block, build your home around its contours – be distinctive… and now is your chance to acquire one of the last blocks in Elanora, enabling you to build that home you’ve always dreamt of.