This restaurant is specialized; busy; and MAKING MONEY!!!
A restaurant and bar of the highest standards
Newly fit-out, equipped and opened in August 2009
No expense was spared in creating this beautiful restaurant and bar
Unfortunate circumstances has caused this partnership to break-up forcing the sale of the business
Take this opportunity now to walk in to this amazing restaurant and bar for nowhere near what it would cost you to create again!!!
High traffic area; Central Gold Coast “Restaurant Precinct” unlike no other
This restaurant has a great outlook with both outside undercover and heated dining area and inside dining and bar area
Net profit (PEBIT) for financial year ended June 2011 was $147,690
Projected net profit (PEBIT) for financial year ending June 2012 of $299,354
Costs of fit-out and plant-equipment exceeded $500,000
Asking price for this beautiful restaurant and bar is only $590,000 + stock at value
John Kyriazis
0404 155 984
Jamie Bourke
0417 077 277
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