The reason why the home is being sold in it’s as is condition is simply because our seller is not in a position to make the small investment that’s needed to capitalize on the real potential on offer. Forced to sell, with a strict deadline, there are no options left but to offer the home up for sale. Unfortunately we are not in a position to disclose the reason of sale, but we are at liberty to advise that this is not a marketing ploy and there is certainly no denying that a quick sale must be achieved.
Yes, this property needs some work therefore giving you the opportunity to turn it into something really special. Once completed the home will provide a safe haven surrounded by nature, with views that stretch forever high above your new neighbourhood.
For the right buyer this could be heaven on earth as the small investment needed should give you a monetary return that’s often sought after but seldom found.
Three bedrooms up in the canopy of the world
Open plan living area
Kitchen with views
Full length verandah with everlasting views
Double carport
Nature setting on 722m2
Now you’ve heard the best let me disclose the rest!
The home could do with a clean and an internal repaint, the bathroom had a leak and needs work plus the retaining walls and landscaping need some blood, sweat and tears and once done the property is yours to be enjoyed for many years.