Calling all tradesmen or handymen to put there finishing touches on this large property. It’s a bargain at this price and offers something a little different from an ordinary home. The features of this home are:-
Wood grain hardy plank walls and heavy duty iron roof
3 bedrooms with built in robes in 2
Large separate study
Separate bathroom and toilet
Large front and back verandah’s
The home is made up of panels it is stain free and has exposed studs, all the windows have locks
and security screens, there are also security lights on the front and back of the home. The yard is fully fenced with side access and a large double lock up garage as well as a 10,000ltre rain water tank and a solar power system on the roof. The property is close to amenities and is set in a quiet court in popular Bellbird Park. suitable for first home buyers or investors looking for a bargain.
Sustainability form is available upon request.