Featuring 9 modern motel units, all the facilities expected by guests of a AAA 4 star rated property + a fully licensed Cafe/Restaurant, both popular with guests and the local community. Rooms and infrastructure are well maintained and equipped and present as new. Average occupancy rate over the last 3 years is 71%. Business has a significant government and corporate client base, a favourite week-end retreat for many guests. Property has 2 registered kitchens so offers the opportunity for a new owner to lease out the restaurant producing a good rental return and operate the motel with casual staff. The Cafe/Restaurant is presently operating on limited hours to suit the present owners. Extending cafe hours and increasing bar trade would see a substantial increase in revenue. The Restaurant is fully staffed with assistance from owner when needed. Freehold Building and Business $1,260,000. Offering an average 15% net return. Leasehold Business only $360,000