The vendors are highly motivated and will consider all reasonable offers. Make an offer today.

The sale of the business represents an opportunity for a motivated buyer to acquire an established car detailing business with a proven track record in the industry. Due to its location in the thriving Ipswich region, further expansion of the business is possible. Ideal for an existing car detailing business looking to expand its operations or a pro-active motivated person seeking an opportunity to operate their own business.


Sales Revenue (approx)
$212,000 (excluding GST)
(2007/08 financial year)

Gross wages (approx)
$60,000 (excluding owners)


Years established
3 years

Currently 2 full-time equivalents
(excluding the owners) (staff requirements can fluctuate depending on the current workload)

1 employee related to the owner currently works in the business

Trading hours
8:00am – 5:00pm Mon to Fri
When required, the business will operate outside of these hours to meet demand

The business currently operates 5 days per week. The business provides a comprehensive car detailing service to its clients. The clients include car dealerships in the Ipswich region, as well as a number of casual customers. The business utilises the premises of a major car dealership located in central Ipswich. The area utilised by the business includes 2 wash bays, 4 detailing bay and a small office area.

The available business assets include all the car detailing equipment and supplies, the business name, business contact details, customer contact details and other miscellaneous items. The business has an advertisement in the current edition of the Yellow Pages.

For further information contact Craig Gannon on 0401 712 436 or email