Situated in 1000mm average rainfall country, in the Mt Binga district, this 52 ha horticultural property has much to offer. In close proximity to both Brisbane (190km) and Toowoomba (80 km), its deep red volcanic loam soils nurture 1200 avocado trees, 7000 macadamia trees and 1000 lemon trees. The property has moved from organic to full bio dynamic status through consistent adherence to bio dynamic best practice. This is reflected in its consistent profit performance.

The property comes fully equipped, and features a packing shed with dehusking and sorting equipment, fruit grader, coolroom and two silos.

Avocados and lemons are watered from the 9 bores on the property, which is on 3 titles.

There are 3 good homes on the property, which is offered for sale on a walk in, walk out basis.

Secure an ethical and environmentally sound asset, at a realistic price.
