Located 27 km from Laidley is “Glencoe”, a beautiful property of open forest running back into more heavily timbered hill country. The heavily grassed flats of Rhodes, Paspalam, Glycine, White Clover and Native Blue Grasses are a sight to behold. The flats have been fertilised regularly over the years and the heavy growth is the result. 60 acres can be irrigated and more could be achieved if required. Serviced by 1.5km of underground mains and 14 hydrants. Eastern boundary is bordered by Laidley creek.
Three irrigation bores – 1 capped, 1 equipped with electric motor and submersible pump and one unserviceable. Three stock and domestic bores – 1 capped and two equipped.
The property has a 3 bedroom older style timbered home, with big kitchen and island bench, dining, lounge and study.
Other structural improvements include wooden cattle yards in fair condition, plunge dip in good order plus undercover crush. Also a large high colourbond machinery shed 26m x 20m, hayshed (for round bales), besser brick dairy (for square bales) plus an open sided machinery shed.
NB. Amalgamation of 263 (330 ac) and 259 (695 ac) Mulgowie Rd, would return the holding to the original Taylor farm (1025 ac) taken up in 1938.