Town water, Power, Phone and Bitumen Road!
Just listed this block is exceptional value for money and at this low price is sure to increase with much capital growth in the coming years. Located high in Warrill View up behind the school and corner store this property will sell fast. With a nice views and surrounded by quality homes. This block is just minutes to the Cunningham Highway this is a property that all buyers are encouraged to ring now and book a viewing time as this will sell very fast. Please do not call and ask for the address this property is by inspection only the reason is that by the time you have a look your self and then want to purchase it someone else will have already. So make a time to inspect we are open 7 days a week we do not expect you to buy it if you do not like it but this truly is a magnificent block so a simple yes or no will service. If I had $108,800 available this block would no longer be on the market as it is a property that I would purchase myself. Call now to avoid disappointment.