Coolum Radiator Service is a small business in a prime industrial area. Looking at the figures available it is obvious it is experiencing steady growth and there is ample opportunity for expansion. It services an area from Pacific Paradise in the south to Sunshine Beach in the north and west to Yandina. This is a high growth area which ensures a constant turnover of vehicles in the area and with Coolum as a holiday destination, there are plenty of visiting vehicles requiring attention as well.
As this business is centrally located and convenient from a client’s point of view it has a constant passing trade and also the owner has built up a good referral system after being in the business for the past 12 years.
The current lease has expired but the Lessor is happy to offer a further 3 x 3 lease which is to be negotiated as a contract condition.
There is 62 m2 of floor area and the sale is based on a walk in walk out situation. All business assets and stock are owned outright by the Vendor. The Owner is willing to stay on for a period to provide on the job training and assistance if necessary.
No formal qualifications are required and this is a great opportunity for someone with good mechanical knowledge to set out on their own for only a small investment of $49 000.