Established for many years the course has matured into a beautiful place to relax and enjoy with spectacular dams providing pristine water to irrigate the fairways and orchard. The total size of the property is 300ac (121ha) with 120 ac (48.5ha) of forest forming a buffer zone and the entire area is devoted to flora and fauna. Kabi golf was developed with strict adherence to biodynamic principals incorporating an organic cattle grazing enterprise on multiple titles. Subject to Council approval it could be suited to farm stay type accommodation allowing new owners to leverage the golf course, restaurant, functions centre improvements before and after an event. Other improvements include a large equipped workshop for maintenance and storage plus a further large shed and office. The Golf course and restaurant are not operating currently, however they are fully functional, being sold on a walk in walk out basis. For the new owner this is a turnkey operation being fully maintained by long term devoted staff.For more detail (inc financial history) or inspection please call or email our office. bu 5182485