If you yearn for the quiet country lifestyle but dont want too much hard mowing to do then this one is perfect for you. Low cost living with solar power and hot water makes this an attractive prospect for all buyers on a budget.
3 bedrooms plus a sunroom, ideal for extra bedroom or living room or utilise as a gym or study. The kitchen and bathroom have been fully re-fitted so there is nothing left for you to do here. Great home which would suit an active young or retired couple who would like to grow their own food, plenty of space and water with the dam for irrigation. At the end of your days work just take a relaxing soak in the hot tub on the back patio.

Offers encouraged for consideration prior to auction so book an appointment to view now!

Also there is an exciting new option available for you to bid on line with Property Auction Network from the privacy of your own home.

So Stake Your Claim! Make a Bid Online TODAY
http://www.propertyauctionnetwork.com/property/details/162 and beat the competition as this property is set down for an in-room auction at 3.00pm 17th May at the Mary River Motor Inn, GYMPIE.

Property Code: 162