- Prominent Main Road corner site, of near 3000 square metres, has only 5 shops/commercial Lots with 760 square metres, and is ripe for redevelopment.

- The largest Lot of 299 square metres is FOR SALE and the other Lots would be open for negotiation. There is a holding income, which gives time to plan.

- With a zoning of ‘Commercial – District Business Centre’ is it possible to get a redevelopment of near 4,500 square metres?

- 10,000 plus homes will be in near proximity, and this busy Highway corner site is the main gateway to most of them.

- THE OPPORTUNITY is for someone to buy the Lot for sale, then put it all together and re-develop the site into a prominent landmark Professional/Commercial/Retail centre.

For more information phone Arthur Davis 0414 278 487