Is Brigadoon Court Flaxton’s best street? If not it must be one of the finalists and No 13, offering 7708m2, is certainly is one of the most spectacular in this short culdesac. The home is extremely well maintained and presented and in this location, you could certainly add some cosmetic improvements to take it into another price range. Number 1 in Brigadoon has just come on the market at a price above $1,150,000 so there is scope to leap frog the current price range.

The home has remarkable wide covered verandahs to three sides. The property offers a couple of potential dual living options with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and living areas on both levels of the home. There is internal access of course. Additionally, a large built in shed is currently providing extra accommodation for the owner.

However the home is in some ways incidental because it’s all about the fairytale block. It is impossible to describe the toil and expense that has gone into creating a subtropical masterpiece with an incredible rock lined dam the central feature. Formed paths meander through mature trees that create a canopy for the magical under story plantings of every conceivable type. Cleverly the owner has ensured around the house is clear of the forest, allowing the sun to shine in the home and onto the orchard and many built high vegetable patches. If you are seeking a private, largely self-sufficient living option with unlimited bore water then just come and see this.

The bonus is an extra high and extra long double lock up shed. Two smaller lock up sheds and the built in livable shed. The sealed driveway is a feature in itself. If you hate mowing lawns; you can sell the mower now. That’s not what this garden is all about. Only your inspection will reveal what you cannot imagine. The owner is meeting the market and the price is no impediment to the sale.