COUNTRY: Gently undulating improved quality country with selected belts of good timber remaining, , all the clean country is fully pastured to a variety of grasses including Setaria, Rhodes, Signal plus selected legumes, carry 100 breeders and plus progeny to 8 months.
FENCING / PADDOCKS / WATER: Fully fenced, 4 strand barb with split posts, 5 paddocks, laneway system to the yards , . 7 dams plus, huge catchments that would service another “2″ super sized irrigation dams.
STOCKYARDS: heavy timber yards with covered work area, timber and steel gates, head bale, several pens,
COMMENTS: Without doubt the best paddock of the entire district, held for over 68 years by the current owners, dense fertilized pastures, heavy carrying capacity, electricity right through the block, “2″ titles, easy to handle, good soft cattle country – cattle do exceptionally well here !