AREA: 263 ha (650 acres). Located at Lower Wonga.
IMPROVEMENTS: Traditional 3 bedroom Queenslander plus workman’s cottage, huge hay shed 50m X 15m, machinery/hay shed 60m X 10m, timber stockyards.
COUNTRY: Consists of 80 acres of quality irrigation country plus another 75 acres of good cultivation country, balance quality grazing with improved pastures and selected legumes .c/c around 120 adult cattle in addition to cropping.
WATER / IRRIGATION: Long frontage to permanent creek with 5 ha irrigation licence, 2 bores, 7000gph and 1500gph, plus two huge dams plus lagoon with a total of around 700 megs of storage plus stock water dams and bore. Irrigation supplied via an electric motor and pump at the main storage facility plus two other motors and pumps on the creek and another dam. Water then reticulated to travelling irrigators via 4 and 6 inch main lines.
COMMENTS: Plenty of options here , outstanding on farm water storage, permanent creek with irrigation licence, current cropping includes lucerne and oats, plenty of room to increase the cropping side with the security of exceptional water, ideal backgrounding depot and handy to everywhere.
Sustainability Declaration available in office by collection, email or fax